

时间:2020-12-19 栏目:英语作文
U.S. President Donald Trump1 said Wednesday that Washington could "conceivably" re-enter into the Paris climate agreement.
His comments came from a joint2 press conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the White House.
Erna Solberg told Trump on Wednesday that her country remains3 committed to the Paris climate agreement, making the business case of the "green economy" to the real estate developer-turned president.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg noted4 that many Norwegians drive U.S.-made Tesla electric cars and said her country saw "tremendous economic and business opportunities" as nations around the world fight climate change.
"Norway is combatting climate change -- it's an important issue for us and we are committed to the Paris agreement," Solberg said during a joint news conference with Trump.
Trump said the planned U.S. withdrawal5 from the Paris climate deal "wasn't a major topic" during their discussions and repeated his claim that the climate agreement negotiated by the Obama administration and signed by countries around the globe "treated the United States very unfairly."
Trump reiterated6 that the U.S. could "conceivably" return to the agreement but he added, "The Paris accord really would have taken away our competitive edge and we're not going to let that happen -- I'm not going to let that happen."


1 trump LU1zK   
《科学美国人》2020十大新兴技术 下



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